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Module 3 Discussion Evolution of Greek Sculpture

Module 3 Discussion Evolution of Greek Sculpture

Q How is Protagoras's statement Man is the measure of all things embodied in Classical Greek sculpture? Why did Greek sculptors take such an intense interest in the heroic male nude figure? Choose a nude Greek sculpture from the Archaic or Classical era and contrast it with a sculpture from another ancient culture of your choice. The second work does not have to be nude and address how the differences in these works reflect differences in their cultures. Be sure to address context, style and subject matter. Please attach a jpg image for any work not illustrated in our module text. You may want to do outside research for this topic. Be sure to cite your sources and avoid plagiarism.

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The Greeks gave elaborate importance to their sculptures and depictions of the figurines and through it, they took a step to explore human nature. They presented numerous human figures, all of which celebrated the human body and perhaps integrating within it the controversial statement that Protagoras made regarding the truth that man is the ultimate measure for all things indicating that it was man, the superior creature of all beings that was to be considered as the parameter of everything else.